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Regression Calculators

Simple linear regression calculatorThe linear regression calculator calculates the best fitting equation and the ANOVA table.
The calculator draws the linear regression line (line fit plot) and the residual plot.
Tests the linear model assumptions: residual normality, power, outliers.
Generates step by step calculation.
Reports in APA style.
Multiple linear regression calculatorLinear regression calculator with multiple variables and transformations.
Calculates the best fitting equation, ANOVA table, coefficients table, standardized coefficients.
Draws the linear regression line (line fit plot), residual plot, residuals Q-Q plot, residuals histogram.
Tests the linear model assumptions: residual normality, power, homoscedasticity, multicollinearity outliers.
Article: Sureiman O, Mangera CM. F-test of overall significance in regression analysis simplified. J Pract Cardiovasc Sci [serial online] 2020 [cited 2021 Oct 7];6:116-22.
Binary Logistic RegressionLogistic regression calculator with multiple variables.
The dependent variable (y) is binary. For example: yes, no or 1, 0
Multinomial Logistic RegressionMultinomial logistic regression calculator with multiple variables. The dependent variable (y) is a categorical variable. For example: red, green, blue.