Levene's test calculator

Equality of variances

Calculates the homogeneity of variances assumption for two or more groups.
Validates the data normality, test power, outliers and generates the R syntax.
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Header: You may change groups' name to the real names.
Data: When entering data, press Enter or , (comma) after each value.

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Levene's test

The Levene's test checks if the difference between the variability of two or more groups is significant.
The Levene's test doesn't compare the variances, but compare the Mean Absolute Deviations (MAD), which is another way to check the data variability, on the other hand if the MADs are not the same, very likely that the variances are not the same.

The Levene's test perform an ANOVA test over the absolute deviations from each group's center.
The group center may be the mean or the median. When using the mean as group center the test is called the Levene's test, when using the medain as group center the test is called the brown forsythe test.

When performing ANOVA test, we try to determine if the difference between the MADs reflects a real difference between the groups, or is due to the random noise inside each group. The F statistic represents the ratio of the variance between the groups and the variance inside the groups. Unlike many other statistic tests, the smaller the F statistic the more likely the averages are equal.

Right-tailed F test, for ANOVA test you can use only the right tail. Why?
H0: σ1 = .. = σk
H1: not(σ1 = .. = σk)
Test statistic
F distribution
F distribution right tailed


  • Independent observations (no repeated measure)
  • The dependent variable is continuous (ratio or interval)
  • The independent variable is categorical, contains the groups' name.
  • The residuals distribution is normal, or sample size of 30 or more and reasoabily symetrical

Required Sample Data

Sample data from all compared groups.

ANOVA table formulas


k - number of groups.
ni - sample side of group i.
n - overall sample side, includes all the groups (Σni, i=1 to k).
i - average of absolute differences from group's average, in group i.
- overall average (Σxi,j / n, i=1 to k, j=1 to ni).
Si - standard deviation of group i.

For the levene's, each value is the difference from the group's center.

SourceDegrees of FreedomSum of SquaresMean SquareF statisticp-value
(between groups)
k - 1averageMSG = SSG / (k - 1)F = MSG / MSEP(x > F)
(within groups)
n - kaverageMSE = SSE / (n - k)
Totaln - 1SS(total) = SSG + SSESample Variance = SS(total) / (n - 1)