Odds Calculator

Betting odds calculator

To convert from odds to probability, enter A and B.
To convert a probability to odds, enter PA or PB.
You may change A and B names.

Odds calculator

The odds calculator converts odds to probability and probability to odds.

What are odds?

The odds provide the ratio between the required events and the complimentary events.
You may define the odds as the probability that the required event will occur divided by the probability that the required event will not occur.
You may write the odds as a sentence with two numbers: "required events to complimentary events", or one ratio. For example if the required event is winning, and the complimentary event is losing, and you won 6 time and lose 21 time, then the odds to win are 6 to 21. You may divide the events by the greatest common divisor (GCD) in this case 3.
The odds to win are 2 to 7, or 2/7, or 0.2857.

How to calculate the odds?

Divide the required events by the complimentary events.

Odds to probability formula

A + B
A + B

Probabilities to Odds formula

PB1 - PA
A - event A, for example Winning.
B - event B, the complimentary event, for example losing.
PA - the probability of event A.
PB - the probability of event B.

What is the difference between odds and probability?

The odds provide the ratio between the required events and the complimentary events, while the probability provides the ratio between the required events and the total events.
Winning: 3 events. (required events)
Losing: 9 events. (complimentary events)
Total: 12 events. (3 + 9).
Odds = 3/9 = 1/3 = 0.3333.
P = 3/12.


Example, Rounding = 2, format 0.001234 to 0.0012, and 88.1234 to 88.12